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Bruce Bimber
Distinguished Professor
University of California, Santa Barbara
Graduate Study with Me
I welcome prospective doctoral students. I typically advise about five graduate students and work with others in the Political Communication Working Group. My students have varied interests in political communication in the US and in other countries, and they generally share a focus on digital media.
Contact Me about Applying
If you are planning to apply for graduate study at UCSB with me as your advisor, please feel free to get in touch well in advance of the application deadline, so that we can discuss mutual interests and fit.
I occasionally host post-doctoral scholars and pre-doctoral visitors from other universities, but I strongly discourage unsolicited letters proposing an extended visit without any previous exchange or interaction.

​Tips on Success in Grad School
Here is an open letter to new or prospective doctoral students about success in graduate school. It distills some of what I've observed about the practices and attitudes of doctoral students who are the most satisfied with their experiences earning a PhD.
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